The Studio Gallery and Bistro - Peter Coad and Russell Morris have joined to create images for Russells next album Red Durt Red Heart

October 29, 2015
Studio Gallery Artist Peter Coad and Australian Singer-songwriter Russell Morris Have joined to create images for Russells next album
Red Durt Red Heart

Russell has now arrived at the third and final album in the series of Australian stories. Also produced by Mitch Cairns, this album is titled “Red Dirt – Red Heart”, and the name belies its subject matter – The Australian Interior. Any history of Australia albeit, very brief, has to include the people who have inhabited this wonderful country for at least 40,000 years. Stories of two bushrangers, a song about a beautiful town, a song about a loner, a recluse, and an escape artist (Goal that is), a snake and the spectacular Nullabour. Also included is some of our great indigenous heroes in the hope that we can share their stories.

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