Artists Detail - Belinda Birchall -

Belinda Birchall

Belinda Birchall
My work explores this simple way of seeing the world with a specific focus on the beauty of the small and overlooked marine life found washed up along our shoreline. These paintings and drawings, of the unremarkable along the tidal edges in Geographe Bay, are inspired by my memories of a childhood living beside the beach in another place and time. They aim to remember a child-like attitude, to paint and draw the things underfoot and immediately before me, as a child would experience it. They are small, simple offerings recreating a child’s sense of curiosity and wonder.
Featured Piece
Belinda Birchall Specimens of Love across time

Specimens of Love across time
- Graphite on Gesso boards
AUD $3,000
11 Boards, overall size (individually framed) - in this arrangement 68 x 76cm.

Artists Statement:‘Specimens of love across time’ are graphite drawings of rocks which I have exchanged with my daughter, who lives overseas. They are tangible mementos of our time together. In this collection of drawings are the rocks my daughter has collected in England and the rocks I have collected along the beaches in Geographe Bay. During this exchange between us I have thought about the meaning of deep geological time compared to the fragility of fleeting and precious moments we all share in the here and now. Each of these rocks tells a story, not just of geological evolution, but also of love, connections and the passage of time.

Belinda Birchall Specimens of Love across time
Specimens of Love across time
Graphite on Gesso boards  
AUD $3,000
Belinda Birchall Drift
Gouache, Collage, Graphite and Charcoal on handmade paper  
44 x 55 cm
AUD $2,700
Belinda Birchall Under a Tearful Sky
Under a Tearful Sky
Oil on Linen  
70 x 120 cm
AUD $2,500
Belinda Birchall Tracing the Light
Tracing the Light
Charcoal and Pastel on Stonehenge paper  
75 x 56 cm
AUD $3,200
Belinda Birchall Intertidal 1
Intertidal 1
Oil on Belgian Linen  
40 x 60 cm
Belinda Birchall Little Portraits along the edges 1
Little portraits along the edges 1
Oil and Acrylic on Belgian linen  
203 x 45 cm
Belinda Birchall Little portraits along the edges 2
Little portraits along the edges 2
Oil, Acrylic and Watercolour on Belgian linen  
130 x 52 cm
Belinda Birchall Moments I_ II and III
Moments I, II and III
Oil on Linen  
20.5 x 25.5 cm
Belinda Birchall Pay attention to the glow 4
Pay attention to the glow 4
Oil on Linen  
30 x 24 cm
Belinda Birchall Seeing the Edges of Time
Seeing the Edges of Time
Oil on Belgian linen  
40 x 60 cm
Belinda Birchall Shoreline Wrack 1
Shoreline Wrack 1
Oil & Beeswax on Burlap  
31 x 31 cm
Belinda Birchall Shoreline Wrack 2
Shoreline Wrack 2
Oil & Beeswax on Burlap  
31 x 31 cm
Belinda Birchall Tidal Surge
Tidal Surge
Oil and Collage on Belgian linen  
45 x 207 cm
Belinda Birchall Under a Moonlit Sky
Under a Moonlit Sky
Oil on Linen  
63 x 94 cm
Belinda Birchall Where nothing exceptional occurs
Where nothing exceptional occurs
Charcoal & Graphice on board  
46.5 x 60.5 cm