Art is a continuous journey in an attempt to discover the unexpected.
As a landscape painter living in Western Australia, it is impossible not to be affected by the fierce light, intense colour, immense space and endless horizons of this extraordinary and varied landscape.
Through filtered memory I reassemble a range of images carefully striking a balance between realism and abstraction.
A constant throughout my work is the strictly parallel horizon line. Experience gained from flights over the landscape, and journeys inland enables me to approach the landscape from two points of view – the illusion of distance beyond the horizon, in contrast to the aerial view of the solid field-like frontality of the landscape below the horizon line. This duality is essential to my visual approach.
The addition of elements of light at a certain time of day, clouds, shadows, dust, rain, wind or mist add atmosphere and mood to the works and are an integral part of my imagery.
Featured Piece
Evening Star over Coastline and Wave
- Oil on Canvas
101 x 97