Try before you buy is an in-home service The Studio Gallery offers to all customers living in Perth. We know that it can be hard to get down to Yallingup as soon as a new painting comes into the gallery and if you wait, you could miss out. It can also be hard to make decisions on the spot while trying to visualise what a piece would like in your home.
Recently, new paintings came into the Gallery and a customer came in for lunch and fell in love with the painting although there was still a nagging doubt as to how well it size would fit into their home. Due to our try before you buy service, two days later we were able to show the painting in their home and it was perfect. The best part was the husband and wife feel equally as excited to give this piece a new home. On the flip side, try before you buy can save the day. I have seen how a painting does not reflect the feeling that it did in the gallery as it was a soft relaxing painting with a beautiful sky and colours that had a tranquil aura about them. The original intention was to buy this painting for a busy family kitchen traffic area. As soon as it was hung in this location it just lost it’s magic as it was then competing with the daily hustle and bustle that goes on in a family kitchen and adjacent family room. This couple was so disappointed although knew that the intention to hang it in this location was just not right. There is a happy ending to this story as we were able to recommend trying it in the passage near the bedrooms that had some beautiful morning light filtering through the from glass front door.
When you see a new piece come up on our website and you have that magical feeling that it’s the one simply give us a call a call or an email and we can bring it to Perth on our next trip. The painting could be sold by the next time you come down to Yallingup and it would be better to see it in your home first rather than miss out. Try before you buy is an obligation free service, we bring the painting to your home and show you in position. The painting is still offered on the market until you decide to go ahead with the purchase or not.