The Studio Gallery and Bistro

Mel Brigg

  Mel's painting on a Book Cover -

Mel Brigg was contacted by author Kalypso Nicolaidis after she saw his artwork. She felt that his painting would be the perfect cover for her latest book, Exodus Reckoning Sacrifice. We could not agree more!

This book has received great reviews such as this one from Richard Buxton, author of Myths and Tragedies in their Ancient Greek Contexts; "Dazzling, tolerant, wise, pyrotechnic, thoroughly up-to-date, yet steeped in millennia-old story patterns, this book is a must-read for anyone tempted to believe that Brexit - or, for that matter, ancient mythology - is a simple matter. Like the Hebrew and Greek myths which she evokes, Professor Nicolaidis offers no easy solutions. This is a book which neither Remainers nor Leavers can afford to ignore."

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