The Studio Gallery and Bistro

5 Studio Gallery Artists Selected for Perth Royal Art Prize 2019

Congratulations to Jennifer Sadler, Jo Darvall, Kay Gibson, Jacinda Bayne & Lori Pensini who have been selected as finalists in this years Perth Royal Art Prize.

The Perth Royal Art Prize was established by RASWA in 1974 and it has grown in artistic calibre every year.  It is the only prize in WA dedicated to the theme of landscape. The prize showcases some of the best talent from WA artists only, both regional and metropolitan.

Featured images:
Kay Gibson - In the Balance
Jacinda Bayne - Pontoon
Jennifer Sadler - Walk to Bush Camp

'When I look at the Australian ‘landscape’ I not only see its geological beauty but I also see the symbiotic relationship with our unique wildlife. We know that birds and insects pollinate plants but less obvious is the role of some our smaller mammals. They are integral in creating a healthy topsoil and ensuring biodiversity. Since European settlement a number of these mammals have become extinct mainly due to feral cats. With efforts to restore and maintain ‘a balance’ research has been conducted showing that dingoes suppress feral cat numbers.'

blog 5 Studio Gallery Artists Selected for Perth Royal Art Prize 2019