Jeanette Dyson
Born in South Australia in 1949, Jeanette came to Perth as a small child. In her adult life Jeanette has been Vice President of the Kununurra Arts Council, created and managed two Kununurra Art Galleries, Resident Artist at the Kununurra District High School, taught at Kimberley College of TAFE and given private tuition. Jeanette has participated in exhibitions Australia wide and in London, Paris and New York.
Her love of the Western Australian landscape is apparent throughout her work; capturing the unique colours and textures, using a variety of techniques in acrylic, Kimberley Ochre, pearl dust and gold dust. This technique has made her aware of all the influences that have formed her own identity, specifically that of the Kimberley, Pilbara & Kakadu in the Northern Territory.
Q & A:
What always makes you laugh? Everything. I love to laugh (not always at the most appropriate times) & to make others laugh.
Where was your most memorable vacation? Can’t single out one, but favourites have been Sri Lanka, Nth India, China, Cambodia, Mauritius, England, France, 20 trips to Thailand with our beautiful family and Grandies since they were 2 years old.
What is your favourite -Song or Band or Musical Genre? Song - It’s not my fault, I am only human by The Rag & Bone Man
What is your favourite quote? The mind is everything, what you think you become - Buddha
Who is the Artist who inspires you most? Robert Juniper - my greatest compliment is for someone to say they can see inspiration from Juniper’s style.
If you could own any animal as a pet, what would you choose? Always wanted a small monkey as a pet. Only ever had one pet in our lives & that was Rosa, our son’s dog. He lived with us & we grew to love her unconditionally. It taught me a huge lesson in life. She was euthanised 6 months ago, & we are still struggling to fill the hole she left in our hearts.
Do you collect anything? Anything with an Oriental Eastern/ Asian influence - furniture, paintings, books, Kimonos, China, bronzes & Aboriginal
What would be your greatest accomplishment? Two major ones: The standard, generic answer that most parents/ grandparents give - family & the joy (& shall we say ‘interest’) they bring to our lives.
As an artist (mainly Kimberley artwork), which has taken 45 years so far & exhibiting in London (went over for opening) Paris & New York. Love having it on my CV.
What is on your Bucket list? To go on one of those European river boat trips & sit on your private balcony, with a glass of bubbles & watch the world go by.