The Studio Gallery and Bistro


  Sue Smorthwaite

Sue Smorthwaite is a mixed media and textile artist living in Yallingup, WA. As a young child she lived in diverse cultures such as Africa, Asia, Arabia and Scandinavia, cultures that instilled a passion for rich colour, pattern and texture, all evident in her artwork. Largely self-taught, Sue has also taken numerous textile courses both in Australia and in the UK. She now works mainly with wool, silks and other natural fibres.

Q & A:

Where was your most memorable vacation? I’ve been very lucky to have done some amazing travel all my life, Africa, South America, the Middle East and a lot of Asia, but our last trip from Chile down to the Antarctic peninsula via the Falkland Islands and South Georgia was spectacular and so very different from anything we have done before.

What would be your favourite smell? Freshly cut green grass

What was your most random impulse purchase? This has to be shared with my husband…..buying our plot of land in Yallingup while on a short Christmas holiday from Doha.

When tempted by something sweet, what is it? Anything chocolate, but preferably dark chocolate. I do like a good lemon drizzle cake or carrot cake too.

Are you a Coffee or Tea person, and what is your go to order? Definitely a tea person...I can’t start the day without a good brew and a cup of tea is always the answer to most problems. But I do enjoy a good cup of coffee when out with friends.

If you could own any animal as a pet, what would you choose? Most definitely another dog.

Do you collect anything? Yes….too much. I have a collection of fir-cones that I have collected from around the world, including one from Eva Peróns grave site in Argentina. I also have an extensive frog collection.

Where did you grow up? I was born in the UK, moved to Zambia when I was 5 and have lived overseas ever since...Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Chicago, Stockholm, Beirut and Doha and are now very happy in Yallingup.

What always makes you laugh? Children laughing

How do you prefer to exercise? Outside in the fresh air come rain or shine, preferably a good brisk, long walk.

blog BEHIND THE ARTWORK Sue Smorthwaite