The Studio Gallery and Bistro


  Felicity Bodycoat

An introduction to the beauty of porcelain and slip casting in 2016 re-ignited a passion in ceramics for Felicity that had started in the early 1980’s, and now finds her working full time as a ceramic artist from her purpose-built studio. Felicity’s background as a landscape designer is evident in the handmade decals which she uses to create pattern and texture representing the natural environment.

She prefers to work with porcelain to create fine slip cast ceramics, that start out as original wheel thrown or hand-built artworks. Combining all her creative talents with a focus on modern aesthetics and a limited colour palette, Felicity creates truly minimalist contemporary ceramics that are timeless in their beauty.

Q & A:

What always makes you laugh? Our two dachshunds Remington and Ruby. They are the most comical, fiercely loyal and demanding fur people and I would not be without them.

What is your favourite -Song or Band or Musical Genre?1970’s disco and funk. You will often hear this emanating from my studio while I work.

What would be your greatest accomplishment? This might be a bit cliché but being married to Simon for 32 years and together raising two beautiful daughters who are kind, strong and independent women.

What is the title & author of your favourite Book? Cloud street by Tim Winton. I think I have read it about 5 times. I love to read stories by Australian authors and the familiarity of the Australian settings.

When tempted by something sweet, what is it? Chocolate – always chocolate. I have been known to raid the cooking chocolate when regular is not available.

Are you a Coffee or Tea person, and what is your go to order? Coffee – always a flat white. I would rather drink tea than a bad coffee.

What is your favourite quote? 'No opportunity wasted’. I don’t think this is an official quote, more of a motto to live by.

What would be your favourite smell? Spices, star anise and cardamon and citrus

What is on your Bucket list? To travel to New York. I love urban environments and I think New York is the most urban you can get.

What is the biggest risk you ever took? Recently giving up my job for the last 30 years as a landscape designer to concentrate on ceramics.

Do you have a fear, and what is it? Snakes, I can’t even watch them on TV. I think it’s the soulless eyes that creep me out the most.

blog BEHIND THE ARTWORK Felicity Bodycoat