The Studio Gallery and Bistro


  Jacinda Bayne

Jacinda Bayne has been a practising artist for over 20 years, having graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. She has held regular exhibitions throughout the globe, and is represented by galleries around Australia. There is a recurring theme of landscape in her work with the use of colour as a visual language which makes a strong impact. This is achieved by her preferred medium of oil paint, creating intensity and depth of colour through numerous layers of glazes. Jacinda describes herself as an emotive colourist, producing work that creates escapism not just for herself, but also for the viewer. Her current practice relates directly to her search for the ultimate utopia and the importance of noticing the beauty and balance within nature.

Q & A:

Where was your most memorable vacation? Africa

What is your favorite -Song or Band or Musical Genre? I am a cycle Instructor & make my own playlists. I love absolutely everything but if I had to choose it would be Old School Hip Hop.

Who is the Artist who inspires you most? Gehard Richter

If you could own any animal as a pet, what would you choose? A Thorny Devil Lizard - of course I would not though as they are protected.

Do you collect anything? My painting palettes

What would be your greatest accomplishment? Doing what I love for a living.

Do you have a useless talent – and what is it? Solving the rubix cube!

Where did you grow up? South Island New Zealand

If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Travel the world with my son.

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? To fly..

blog BEHIND THE ARTWORK Jacinda Bayne