Sabine Hofferberth
A strong appreciation of art brought Sabine Hofferberth to the gallery and she commenced as a sales assistant when it first opened. She has seen it grow and change into the success it is today. Sabine greets all who visit with her beautiful trademark red lipstick smile and is always happy to share her passion and knowledge about the artwork and artists represented here.
Q & A:
What is the biggest risk you ever took? My biggest risk and biggest success at the same time was moving to Australia when I was 30 years old.
What is your favourite smell? My favourite smell is a room full of freshly picked roses.
How do you prefer to exercise? I love to exercise in the open air, nothing better than a walk along the beach with my dog.
What is the title & aurthor of your favourite book? I have many favourite books which I have read in different stages of my life, so it's hard to choose one. However, the most recent book which touched me is Wifedom by Anna Funder.
What is your favourite song, band or musical genre? My favourite band is the Beach Boys.
Where was your most memorable vacation? We went to Peru, the most incredible and most memorable trip for me. The people, the history, the art and architecture just left us with unforgettable memories.
What is your favourite quote? "What goes around comes around"
What is the worst outfit you ever wore? Bell bottom pants
Where did you grow up? I grew up in Bavaria, Germany, surrounded by beautiful lakes, mountains and villages.
Are you a coffee or tea person, and what is your go to order? I definitely am a coffee person, flat white with a lot of froth!