The Studio Gallery and Bistro

Finalist - The Alice Prize 2022

We would like to congratulate Lori Pensini for being nominated as a Finalist in The Alice Prize 2022 for her artwork, Chatterbox Fortune Tellers - The Rare Bird Extinction series (pencil, ink on paper). artist statement: I have applied a melancholic macabre spin to a favourite childhood game of chatterbox fortune telling. Each fortune teller displays extinct or critically endanger bird species and each playing outcome arrives at the same point - extinction. The aim is to emphasise the acute fragility of our environment and the need for urgent action to stabilise the ecological disequilibrium brought about by our former and current land mismanagement. Paradoxically, the act of ‘playing the game’, points critically to the fact that this isn’t a game, it isn’t something we can gamble on anymore. "The Alice Prize is an acquisitive national contemporary art prize, welcoming entries from around Australia, in any medium or theme."

blog Finalist - The Alice Prize 2022