The Studio Gallery and Bistro

Finalist - Minnawarra Art Awards 2021

We would like to congratulate our artist, Paula Wiegmink, on being selected as a finalist in this years Minnawarra Art Awards, for not just one of her artworks but two! ‘Magpie Ridge’ A visit to North Western Australia revealed something I hadn't experienced before. The vast open spaces and strong colours of the earth and sky were the inspiration for ‘Magpie Ridge’. A place that once visited, magically lures you back. Approaching this painting with a sense of freedom I hoped to capture that fleeting moment which drew my breath away. Using texture paste added drama and defined the direction of this painting, while using acrylics as my chosen medium. The addition of the magpies helped to create a sense of space and time. ‘I can see Clearly Now’ Art is a powerful vehicle that can evoke thought, debate and sometimes controversy. Many artists show their support for wildlife and the environment through their work. I hope to draw attention to the endangered Carnaby Cockatoo which are now rapidly diminishing in numbers. My chosen medium for ‘I Can See Clearly now’ is oil on stretched canvas. The Minnawarra Art Awards showcases some of Western Australia’s best artists, a number of which are local to the Armadale district! This year saw an increased prize pool and more targeted art awards that ensured this professionally curated exhibition provided viewers with a powerful show of high calibre and diverse artworks.

blog Finalist - Minnawarra Art Awards 2021