Secret Garden & Rose Mallee | Lori Pensini |

Lori Pensini

Lori Pensini - Secret Garden _ Rose Mallee

Secret Garden & Rose Mallee

Oil on Linen  
115 x 130 cm

artist statement- Botanical forms are always painted as metaphors to define a particular trait of character. They are totem like, small windows of insight to better understand the figure. They also aim to highlight our connection to the natural world, to greater comprehend the value in being present to our environment, present to the small things/life forces. Here the rose mallee delicately suspends in the sky as a sun, she represents the light force within the girl. The rose mallee itself is a threatened species with only 400 plants left in 2 small pockets in Western Australia. A rare and wondrous beauty, her unique botanical form symbolises and embraces our own uniqueness.