Artists Detail - Anne Grotian -

Anne Grotian

Anne Grotian
“I am born in Hamburg, Germany. I completed a Diploma: in Fashion/Textile - design (Germany) in 1976. I worked for 20 years as a designer (freelance). I was a founding member of the artist group “WERKSTATT 97” ( Germany). Exhibitions included places like Schloss Reinbek, Bossard Tempel, GEDOK, Hamburg. As a designer I have exhibited in major trade fairs in Hamburger and Internationale Frankfurter Messe, Germany. Materials I have worked with are: textile, blown glass, porcelain (decals design), sandstone and plaster. Since migrating to Australia in 2009, I have been exploring the sculptural qualities of stoneware. My work starts with the interest in form. There is no difference to me if it is a form of a horse, head or coiled pot. They are all sculptures with monumental qualities. I need the more abstract form of the vessel to create my horses or heads. The process is generally a long one and there are no shortcuts.”
Featured Piece
Anne Grotian Standing Tall

Standing Tall
- Ceramic
65 x 65 x 23 cm
AUD $1,900

Anne Grotian Standing Tall
Standing Tall
65 x 65 x 23 cm
AUD $1,900
Anne Grotian Clay Horse 1
Clay Horse 1
Low Fired Ceramic  
45 x 64 x 20 cm
Anne Grotian Clay Horse 2
Clay Horse 2
Low Fired Ceramic  
39 x 62 x 20 cm
Anne Grotian Clay Horse 3
Clay Horse 3
Low Fired Ceramic  
56 x 63 x 20 cm