Artists Info - Beverley McMahon -

Beverley McMahon

Beverley McMahon

About the Artists:

Beverley McMahon is a Perth born ceramic artist who has been involved with ceramics for many years, creating her work from her studio just outside the Perth CBD.

With a deep passion for sculpture her hand-built pieces are individual ceramics and not limited to one style or concept. She feels that she has succeeded when the work makes a deep connection with someone. 

For several years, she taught the children’s classes at Perth Studio Potters Club in Cottesloe – How to be Creative with Clay.

She has displayed her work in numerous exhibitions and galleries throughout Perth and the south west of Western Australia.



1976     Beaumaris Art Group, Victoria – wheel throwing pottery course

2013     Italy – Raku, Pit Firing, Bucchero with Mara Funghi

2015     Switzerland – Texture and Glazing with Peter Beard



2008 – 2014   Perth Studio Potters, Cottesloe – Children’s Classes, Creativity with Clay



2022     York Art Exhibition

2022     Burt Street Gallery Exhibition

2021     Burt Street Gallery Exhibition

2021     PSP - Selective Exhibition

2019     Ceramics Arts of WA - Selective Exhibition

2019     Burt Street Gallery Exhibition

2018     PSP - Selective Exhibition                    

2017     Burt Street Gallery Exhibition    

2017     Ceramics Arts of WA - Selective Exhibition

2017     WA Club Art Exhibition

2017     BCC Art Exhibition

2016     PSP - Selective Exhibition

2016     4 of Us Exhibition

2016     Churchlands Art Exhibition

2015     Mazenod Art Exhibition

2015     Hale Fine Art Exhibition

2015     Burt Street Gallery Exhibition

2015     St Brigids College Art Exhibition

2015     PSP Central Park Art Exhibition

2015     Churchlands Art Exhibition

2015     Perth College Art Exhibition

2014     Hale Fine Art Exhibition

2014     Wilkinson Gallery  – 3 + 3 Exhibition

2014     Mazenod Art Exhibition

2013     4 of Us Exhibition

2013     Mazenod Art Exhibition

2013     Hale Fine Art Exhibition

2013     PSP – Selective Exhibition

2012     Mazenod Art Exhibition

2012     Hale Fine Art Exhibition

2012     Perth College Art Exhibition

2011     Mazenod Art Exhibition

2011     Hale Fine Art Exhibition

2011     PSP – Selective Exhibition

2010     York Art Exhibition – Highly Commended

2010     Hale Fine Art Exhibition

2010     Trinity College Art Exhibition

2009     Burt Street Gallery Exhibition

2008     York Art Exhibition

2008     Burt Street Gallery Exhibition

2007     PSP – Selective Exhibition

2005     PSP – Selective Exhibition


“My journey with clay started with pottery classes on the wheel. After a few months I hand built some small sculptures at home. I really loved working the clay in this way and my journey with hand building commenced.

Inspiration comes from the ocean, the forest, mystical influences and native cultures. I enjoy changing styles and concepts working within the limits of the clay.

I find such a great reward when my creations give people pleasure. I believe that it is so important for people to see beauty, to see things that make you smile and also things that lift your spirits.”