Artists Detail - Lori Pensini -

Lori Pensini

Lori Pensini
Ours is a family of pioneering stock, and I have a great love for and attachment to the land, fruit born from generations of the simple sorrows and the simple joys endured. From humble beginnings on a small horse farm, to the reverence of existence on a million acres north of the26th parallel, north of Perth some 1400kms, and north of anything remotely sentimental or 'womanly', inspiration was lived not searched. The shear expanse of the landscape, with its seamless ultramarine sky, and infinite horizon shimmering promises, offered a myriad of contradictions, greatness and trepidation, smallness and strength, fear, fight, love, loss. Isolation too Jekylled friend and foe, a sense of freedom, a heady mix of never ending enticing realism to dance nonsensical. The perfect illumination for an already fervent imagination.
Featured Piece
Lori Pensini Banksia Integrifolia

Banksia Integrifolia
- Oil and Acrylic on Linen
130 x 115 cm
AUD $8,700

Lori Pensini Wildflower - sturt desert pea
Wildflower - sturt desert pea
Oil on Linen  
59 x 55 cm
Lori Pensini Wildflower - wandoo blossom veil
Wildflower - wandoo blossom veil
Oil on Linen  
59 x 55 cm
Lori Pensini Wildflower - Waratah rising
Wildflower - waratah rising
Oil on Linen  
130 x 115 cm
Lori Pensini Wildflower - wattle
Wildflower - wattle
Oil on Linen  
100 x 85 cm
Lori Pensini Woman as the Willow Tree
Woman as the Willow Tree
Oil on Linen  
115 x 130 cm
Lori Pensini Wonga Wonga Vine _ New Holland Honey Eater
Wonga Wonga Vine & New Holland Honey Eater
Oil on Linen  
59 x 55 cm
Lori Pensini Wren
Oil on Linen  
35 x 31 cm
Lori Pensini Yangerdin - The Lost Country Landscape
Yangerdin - The Lost Country Landscape
Oil on Board  
122 x 183 cm