Mary-Lynne Stratton’s work struck all the judges as being amazing, absolutely amazing. It is vibrant, it’s visually intelligent and it’s incredibly sophisticated. It doesn’t stem only from a white tradition but also from an indigenous tradition but it doesn’t actually dictate it. There’s so many levels of subtlety when you look into the painting, the giant pearl like scattering of dots, the echoing vibrating colour reflexes that are throughout the work. It’s a painting you actually want to enter inside and once you enter it and go for a walk it’s really quite exciting what you can find there. You see pools of darkness, radiating hills and that wonderful boom of the sky. All of us the more we looked at it the more we fell in love with it and thought this is really a very, very major achievement from an artist who’s subtle, sophisticated and who knows the country, has looked at the country feels the country evokes the country, the sense of identity, the sense of place.” – Sasha Grishin,
Featured Piece
Touched by the Sun - Ebb and Flow of the Reef, Gnylmarung
- Acrylic on Canvas
123 x 175